Thursday, September 24, 2015

Secrets from the Syndicate Files #2

Over 300 boxes were donated in the mid-1990s to the New York Public Library from Simon & Schuster--containing the business papers/books/artwork from the Stratemeyer Syndicate which they purchased in 1984 - and it's a great resource for researchers like myself who are working on projects, like my Millie Benson Biography! I will be sharing interesting historical items from the Syndicate Files as I work my way through my research for the book.

Millie wrote book 12, The Message in the Hollow Oak in Iowa on a family visit and once the Syndicate received it and looked it over, they wrote to her on 8-11-1935, "We appreciate your promptness in mailing this story to us, and we think it one of the most interesting, though somewhat different from the usual Nancy Drew. Yet Nancy seems to be the same ingenious  and clever sleuth throughout, whether she be at home or in the Canadian forests."

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