I'm adding a preview of what's going on at my 365 Days of Nancy Drew Blog Party below.
Join the
Nancy Drew Blog Party that celebrates 80 years of Nancy Drew all year long : So far discussed in just 60 days are books 1-9, we've had 2 trivia contests for prizes, 2 book discussions on Girl Sleuth and Rediscovering Nancy Drew, we've done a jewelry craft project and are working on a scrapbooking craft. We're about to do a Nancy Drew Cookbook recipe testing project for the month of March. Other topics include: 80 Litle Known Things About Nancy, Things We've Learned From Nancy, Walter Karig, Harriet Adams, Behind the Scenes of the Stratemeyer Syndicate, Sleuthing, Mardi Gras Mysteries, Winter Nancy Drew books, my Today Show appearance, Togo, How the Crossword Cipher cover came to be, Nancy Drew villains, Nancy Drew rewards, Nancy Drew cakes, Nancy Drew vs. Hardy Boys, Nancy's Crook List, 1930s ND movies, 2007 ND movie, Nancy Drew computer games, Nancy Drew collecting and tips, 70s TV show, Edward Stratemeyer, Bess Marvin, Advice from Carson Drew, Aliases.So hop in your roadsters and enjoy this nostalgia ride back to River Heights along with me!
here to join the Blog!
One of Harriet Adams' favorite Nancy Drew books was #44
The Clue in the Crossword Cipher. She traveled to Peru in fact, to do research for the book.
While on my recent trip to NYC, I learned a few things about the research for the book which were interesting. I'll share some notes that Harriet sent to her "nemesis" Anne Hagan in a letter dated August 11, 1966 in which she enclosed some rough drawings to aid illustrator Rudy Nappi:
Harriet wanted the cover to be "an unusual and posterish-type cover."
"My idea is to have Nancy wearing a dress with an Inca design and I am attaching some photographs from the July issue of
Vogue magazine."
She requested they show both sides of the plaque on the cover.
She also notes that "Mr. Siwek"--from Grosset & Dunlap--"told me he prefers poster-type covers."
I always wondered about the design of the dress that Nancy is wearing on the cover--very unusual.