Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nancy Drew Old Lace Audio Set Variations

 Nancy Drew - The Secret in the Old Lace 
Audio Cassette Tapes

I recently purchased a set of the Old Lace audio cassettes at eBay thinking I'd upgrade the set I already have, and discovered a variation so now they're both keepers! This set was produced by Cassette Book Company from Pasadena.

My old set and the recent set I purchased both have the same case--front/back are the same in every way with a copyright on the case of 1985. But the tapes are different. My older set has white tapes with a beige/navy blue label numbered "861" from "Cassette Book Library" which I figure are the original set--they even have a copyright on them of 1983 (interesting how the date on these is 1983). The recently purchases set has tapes from "Audio Book Company"  which are black tapes with a black/white label numbered "NA2-290"and these have a copyright of 1997 on them. Apparently in 1997, they reissued this book on tape--both companies are located in Pasadena or Cassette Book Library changed their name to Audio Book Library which may be the likely story.

Does anyone have any other variations?


1 comment:

Jewel Divas Style said...

I'm still waiting to get my hands on one!