I headed off to bookhunt at 2 local bookstores today:
Book Gallery in Mesa, AZ: 50 W. Main St, and Bookman's on Country Club Dr. also in Mesa.
The Sleuths visited these 2 stores at the 2005
Nancy Drew convention. Book Gallery always has a large selection of series books and they know their stuff. I took photos of some interesting items and shelves of various series books--above are Hardy Boys including a lot of UK editions and Tom Swifts, plus various other boys' series books. Book Gallery is having a sale right now--5 books gets you 10% off and it goes up from there, so if you see anything interesting in the pictures, give them a ring: (480) 835-0757. Bookmans didn't have a whole lot this time and I usually walk out of there with at least 1 or 2 items. At Book Gallery, I found a few old picture covers and managed to upgraded my 4th art
Broken Locket picture cover 1st printing.

Boys' series began to segue into girls' series in this shelf above. Next to that were the Nancy Drews with some Dana Girls mixed in:

These were mostly blue tweed books with Digger endpapers and blue multi pic endpapers. Then I spotted a lot of yellow spine picture covers--some of these had the original covers, though not many were first printings:

There were also some blue tweeds and some old blue/orange books without dust jackets.
Here are 2 interesting Connie Blair paperbacks:

They have a case where they have some older versions of some of the books or ones that have more value:
3 Kay Tracey Books with the original style of dust jackets:
Lots of Tom Swift books:
UK Hardy Boys picture covers:
Interesting Saalifield boxed set of the Jane Allen series:
Another view of the box:
Was fun, found a few things and will plan another book hunting trip soon in the Phoenix area to some stores I haven't been to in several years--including another location of Book Gallery which always has a lot of series books too.
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