So we've got a lot of milestones to celebrate. We're also inviting all Hardy Boys fans to join us--so spread the word! We'll have speakers for both ND and HB and activities related to both.
We've got both land (Merritt Island, FL outside of Orlando) and sea events (Carnival Cruise to Bahamas from Port Canaveral near Merritt Island) and they run seamlessly together so you can attend them all if you wish to!
We've got our dates: April 6 to 10 on land and April 11 to 15 at sea settled. And we've got our cruise locked in and our land hotel selected!
You may begin booking NOW :)
There are discounts for booking early for the cruise and a deposit is required to book. The cruise block of cabins will go quick so it's recommended you book early. There will also be a land registration early discount for those who register early!
See all the details at our website:
If you are interested in attending, contact us and we'll put you on the e-mail list for the convention!
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