Saturday, May 13, 2023

4 Days To Get Nancy Drew Action Figures & Special Novella


If you haven't made your pledge yet - this is your last chance to get the Nancy Drew Action Figures - and guarantee you get what you want - plus the super cool silhouette figure, t-shirt and Nancy Drew Novella illustrated by Ruth Sanderson which are only available with this Kickstarter Nancy Drew Action Figures campaign! 

40 years ago - early 1980s - I can remember one Christmas Eve at my paternal grandparents' house. I had been playing on my Uncle Jerry's snazzy Apple computer - back when you had the old school spiffy black screen and not much in the way of graphics - and was playing some kind of mystery game. There were all the holiday feels. And I got to open some of my gifts that I wasn't opening the next day at my maternal grandparents' house. One was some of my favorite Star Wars action figures. And boy did my Mom have to hunt those down! That was an adventure in and of itself as they were all the rage for Christmas gifts that year. She had taken them out of the packaging, and they were all in this cool metal tin. Of course, hindsight, if they were still in package and minty...but back then we didn't do that, and she was probably saving space with the travel over to Texas and room for going back home with gifts. 

But most wonderfully in that experience was that I got to be a kid and enjoy playing with them and the tactile energy in being able to handle them and also the freedom in not worrying about collecting and keeping things minty which I was oblivious to at that age. I'll always remember fondly growing up in the 80s when action figures were so popular in the early years of this toy phenomenon. There's something very tangible about an action figure that just brings that nostalgia right back to the surface and those fun memories. I still have my Star Wars action figures in their neat Star Wars case. 

Now we get to be kids again with Nancy Drew Action Figures and ready for your shelf Nancy Drew book style packaging. For some of us that means ripping them out of the packages and taking ourselves right back to childhood and playing Nancy Drew! For some of us, they'll sit mint in package on a shelf looking pristine and very collectible. For me, it will be the best of both worlds! A set to keep mint and a set to sleuth with! In another 40 years, I know I'll look back very fondly on the memories that these Nancy Drew action figures evoke and the fun Nancy Drew mysteries they represent that I always treasured reading as a kid and still do as an adult. Thank you again Doc and Gavin at Wandering Planet Toys for letting me fangirl all the way through this process!

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