Friday, January 04, 2013

The Scoop on Nancy Drew Diaries

Nancy Drew Diaries Scoop

UPDATE: It appears that this series is not written in 3rd person as has been originally planned, but is in 1st person. Haven't seen it...yet!

Check out my Nancy Drew website page on the new Nancy Drew Diaries in the "Nancy Drew News" section and the page in the "Nancy Drew Books" section. They are similar right now, but the news page will get more updates as the series debuts as to any format info, promotional items (if any) and all those little things that turn up plus other changes as it progresses--plus I will highlight those here at the blog too.

The new series comes out in February with 2 titles - Curse of the Arctic Star and Strangers on a Train.

Then in May, we'll have Mystery of the Midnight Rider and Once Upon a Thriller in September. 


The main changes in the series as compared the former Girl Detective series are making a return to some of the things from classic Nancy like:

Books being in 3rd person.
Covers are now illustrated by an artist
Stories are longer at now over 200 pages
Titles are more mysterious (curse/mystery/thriller...)
The girls use their brains/wits more to solve mysteries than rely on technology

These are some of the changes. I'll have more in an upcoming Blog when I'll be posting a review and doing some giveaways courtesy of Simon & Schuster.



  1. Lisa Kwong5:47 PM

    Sounds great! I hope the series is written well and does well :)


  2. The first 2 come out in Feb and the next two in May and September of this year.


  3. Sounding better all the time, can't wait!

  4. Will anyone - i.e. international readers - be eligible to enter the giveaways?

    In any case, these look enjoyable (I've enjoyed every Nancy incarnation I've read, though I've yet to try all of them.) and Nancy looks very cute on the covers, especially the fourth one. I will certainly be looking for these in my local bookstore.

  5. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Simon and Schuster has the first chapter of "Arctic Star" posted on their site. It is actually written in first person and sounds just like the Girl Detective series. I am so disappointed and I cancelled my Amazon order. Think I will pass on this series.

  6. Anonymous7:53 AM

    After reading chapter one of "Curse of the Arctic Star" I feel like the first two books in the Diaries series were written as a "Girl Detective" trilogy. Given that the last few books in the Girl Detective series were around 120 pages I think the last two books were combined into "Strangers on a Train." I found it strange S+S would reboot the series but not have the first book set in River Heights, establishing the series and the characters.
