Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nancy Drew Blog Party Day 26: Nancy Drew Consulting - Nancy Drew Engagement Calendar

Nancy Drew Consulting:
Rizzoli Engagement Calendar

A Nancy Drew engagement calendar was put together for 2010 by Universe Publishing, a division of Rizzoli International Publications. I was contacted early in 2009 about providing scans for the calendar. At the time I was working on the style guide for Nancy Drew licensees and helping them with scans of book covers. There wasn't an archive anywhere of book covers to use so they had to reach out to collectors like me to provide these.

Some of the images in the calendar are from flashlight pcs because the matte picture covers produce texture when scanning--sometimes it can be cleaned up well in graphics programs, but not always and they didn't like the look of the texture on some of them.

The calendar was full of images spanning the years of classic Nancy Drew plus endpaper images and internal illustrations sprinkled throughout. It was a really fabulous product and unfortunately didn't receive enough support from retailers who didn't pick it up for sales in stores. So you had to order it online at online shops. That was a shame. Everyone I spoke to really loved this calendar. I had hopes they'd do more or update it for 2011, but due to the distribution issue, that didn't happen. We produced a 2011 set of calendars in our Cafe Press Shop and will do so again for 2012--with new styles coming mid-Nov plus the Tandy/Nappi styles from last year for anyone who didn't get those our would like them again in a 2012 calendar.

I received some copies of the calendar and was given credit inside for helping out with it.



  1. I have 2 copies of the 2010 calendar..I love it. I look forward to the 2012 calendars!

  2. Regina L.7:13 PM

    Very excited - can't wait to order my calendar!

  3. Thanks guys :) Will update the Blog when I've got them in the shop.


  4. Wow, I totally missed this when it came out, don't know how I did that! So it would be great if I got a second chance at it for 2012!


  5. I never heard about this calendar, can't believe I missed it! I look forward to getting a second chance at it for 2012!


  6. I can't believe I missed it, too! I also can't believe the marketing wasn't done to make it a real hit! I'm glad the CafePress calendars are done, though!
    Jan Rader

  7. This is a great calendar--very well done as Jenn said. The reproduced covers are great and there are lots of little interior scenes. The flashlight banner, which I don't like on the books, is incorporated nicely at the top of each weekly page sining a light on the name of the month. They even had an order form for the next year's calendar which I had been eagerly anticipating (sniff, sniff).

  8. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I wish I had gotten one of these, but I think they were sold out by the time I tried to order one.

    The downside with tie-ins like these is that they are either owned by a collector or used and discarded; I don't think I'll ever find one on the secondary market. Good thing we have the Cafe Press calendars instead!

