Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Nancy Drew Collectible Found

I was sleuthing eBay recently and came across a listing for a boxed set of four books--flashlight editions of the first four books. The listing didn't show any photos except for the book spines showing. Apparently the boxed set came with a flashlight, so I was intrigued and purchased the set. Shown in this blog entry are the sides and top of the box. It's rather neat with the silhouette and the text about reading the books with a flashlight. Alas, the flashlight was not in the set anymore, so I'll have to search for another set that is complete some day.

The set was put out in 1998 and I was into collecting at that time, so I wondered how I missed it when I noticed on the back of the box that it states that it was exclusive to DS-MAX. Never heard of DS-MAX. So I Googled that term and turns out it's apparently some kind of "sales cult." Or so the websites rallying against it claim. Not sure if it's still in operation or not:) The Mystery of the Nancy Drew "Sales Cult" Books...Anyone else have this set with or without the flashlight?


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