Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Nancy Drew Sleuth Convention Merchandise!

Super fun Nancy Drew merchandise! Officially licensed from Simon & Schuster for a limited time/quantity at Cafe Press: http://www.cafepress.com/ndsconvention

Sales only through June 30, 2007, so order now:)

Several convention designs including a nostalgic/humorous design, "You Know You're a Nancy Drew Fan When..."

Support the Sleuths and help us out with our convention costs!


Monday, May 07, 2007

Clues for Real Life: The Classic Wit and Wisdom of Nancy Drew

Here's the cover for the book I compiled for Meredith Books which will be published this coming November (2007): Clues for Real Life: The Classic Wit and Wisdom of Nancy Drew!

It is filled with great nostalgia advice in the classic style of Nancy Drew! Hardcover with a dust jacket.
