Monday, January 30, 2006

Nancy Drew Movie Begins Filming Jan. 31st

On the eve of filming commencing for Warner Brothers' Nancy Drew movie, it seems with the news of a few of the actors cast in the movie, that people are already apprehensive at what is to be done with such a popular teen sleuth that everyone has their own vision of. Ever the optimist, I say wait until the movie comes out and keep an open mind! But of course, naysayers always take offense at an optimist as someone who probably never finds fault and cannot accept criticisms. It's not that optimists can't accept criticisms, but the criticisms need to be valid ones to be taken seriously! And what's so ironic is that there is nothing much to even criticize yet--the movie hasn't even been filmed yet LOL!

Saying Nancy Drew's going to be too modern, when the movie is set in modern present day is not a valid criticism. Feeling that Nancy Drew is too young in the movie based on who has been cast might be a valid criticism considering Nancy Drew is 18ish in the books. Being that 16 is such a huge departure from 18 (yes sarcasm), I'm not too worried really. And Nancy was 16 in the original text versions and much more mature as characterized then as she was in later texts. So it's really a toss up.

Seriously folks, as long as Nancy Drew stays tried and true to who she is and what she has always stood for--through every decade and modernization she's gone through since 1930 to present day--this will be a cake walk.

Nancy Drew--whether she was wearing a cloche hat and roaring around in her roadster in the 1930s or a demure deb from the 1960s or snooping in jeans and a T-shirt in the modern books of today--has always been independent, on the go, free to seek adventure, kind to others, strove to right wrongs and seek justice for those who couldn't, always had a smile, was forever an optimist, and always had a mystery to solve with romance on the back burner. No matter the decade, the clothing, the setting--peel away all these layers and as long as Nancy Drew is the same as she has been all these years, she'll still be our Nancy Drew--she'll just look a little like Emma Roberts!

Just had to get that off my shoulders!

Onto other news, I've been debating whether or not I'll be taking the bar exam in AZ in July, but I think due to a few things going on and some consulting I'm working on, that I may just be too distracted in the next few months, so next February is looking a little less stressing at the moment. Not sure, on the fence about that one. Then there is the issue of the upcoming Sleuths' convention this fall. Probably we'll have it in Chicago if the Nancy Drew movie does get released next year. If it gets rushed into production for fall/early winter release this year, we'll be hanging in Hollywood Hills for a movie theme convention. I'll keep everyone posted!



  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Hi Jenn!
    This is Lisa K. I'm looking forward to the movie coming out, and I'm sure it will be a fun one! I actually have your website linked on my blog at

    Lisa :)

  2. Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for the link! The movie should be quite exciting and the events with the Sleuths surrounding the premier too.


  3. Anonymous6:41 PM


  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I know that Jennn wrote about some of what this movie is all about but can someone explain it in what the plot is?

  5. Anonymous4:21 PM

    The books are amazing and the games are challenging, a puzzle, a real mystery, and just fun!:) I can't wait for the movie!!!:) Three cheers for Nancy!!!

  6. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I can't wait until the movie comes out it looks hilarious I'm excited!!

  7. Anonymous1:05 AM

    i love nancy drew
    im her biggist fan in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Keep up the great work. It very impressive. Enjoyed the visit!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
