Thursday, May 26, 2011

Nancy Drew 2007 Movie Premier Invite

Some of you know my story about consulting on the Warner Brothers' 2007 Nancy Drew movie. And my whirlwind trip out to Hollywood to Grauman's Chinese Theater for the premier of the movie--just about a week before the Nancy Drew Sleuth convention was held out in Pasadena that year to coincide with the movie release.

I hadn't been invited to the premier and didn't really want to beg to go, so I just didn't say anything. Turns out I was supposed to be on the list but it got lost in the shuffle or some sort of mysterious thing like that. The director, Andy Fleming, called me to up to see if I was coming and I said I hadn't been invited, so that was rectified and the very next day I flew out in time to attend the premier. It was very rush rush last minute getting it all together but the event was just so much fun!

The other day on eBay, there was a listing for a Nancy Drew movie premier invitation. The auction photo just looked kind of like the movie poster so I e-mailed the seller for more details--the info on the invitation was inside a card--the cover of the card was shown in the listing. So I bid on it. I wasn't sure what it was exactly, thinking it might just be to attend a local theater's first showing.

When it arrived, it was in fact an invitation to attend the actual Hollywood premier at Grauman's. Of course, I missed out in getting this piece of memorabilia, so I was totally thrilled to further complete my set of 2007 movie memorabilia.

As shown in the photos here, the front is partially clear/see through to the image printed on the inside behind it. I did a quick scan of it to give you some shots of what it looks like.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rudy Nappi Paintings - Nancy Drew Hidden Staircase and Witch Tree Symbol

Literarture is going to be having my Witch Tree painting scanned for a poster, so I had to remove it from the painting I received from the art gallery I purchased it from. It was interesting to compare the painting with Hidden Staircase (both shown above). Hidden Staircase at some point was pasted onto a thick board, while Witch Tree was still on the same thin paper it was painted on. I noticed some sketch lines visible on the painting which I also noticed on the book cover in places. Some very minute sketch details.

Click on the above image for a larger image of these paintings.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Jen's Ideas: Glow in the Dark Nancy Drew Tees

Check out the new Jen's Ideas tees--they feature a cool silhouette design of Nancy's profile with her magnifying glass and the logo: Nancy Drew/Girl Detective/Always Stay Curious.

Best part? They glow in the dark! How cool is that :)


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nancy Drew Books: Scary Things Kids (& Adults) Do #9

Oh my where to begin! Just listed at eBay in good condtion (?!?!?) is this gem. 3 clues I can discern from this little Jackson Pollock with a pen gone totally awry:

1. Nancy's eyes kind of look like a cross between totally psycho and Where's Waldo's Glasses

2. A Trixie Belden/Judy Bolton/Cherry Ames Fan Must have done this! (Ok, that's a joke/sarcasm people! :-) )

3. Someone is likely to go very postal when they grow up...

Ok, seriously, what child defaces their Nancy Drew book like this? My bet is the little brother is the culprit!


Thursday, May 05, 2011

Nancy Drew East Hamptons Bookstore Event

BookHampton is the largest and oldest bookseller out in the Hamptons, on the East End of Long Island, NY. On May 14th, they are having a Nancy Drew read-a-thon hosted by Kelly Killoren-Bensimon. Here's the details:








EastHampton 41 Main Street



Sunday, May 01, 2011

How to Order the Nancy Drew Decoder Puzzle

Mystery solved on how to get the Nancy Drew Decoder Puzzle for your collections! (Hardy Boys version too):

Visit Hometown USA Stores online.

